Category: Obstetrics

Common Reasons for a Scheduled C-Section

When you are starting a family, you do a lot of planning. You organize and furnish the nursery and decide whether you want to know the baby’s gender. Scheduling and planning for a C-section may not be on the list, but it’s something you may not have control over. Your physician may make the decision ahead of time, or it could be due to an emergency during labor and delivery. Here are common reasons for a scheduled C-section.

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Hospital Bag Guide: Items to Pack for Your Hospital Stay and Delivery

If you are a chronic procrastinator, now is the time to change your habits. Having your hospital bag ready early is non-negotiable! If you are the type who is always early, completes tasks ahead of time, or is generally well organized—good for you—but you still need a hospital bag guide. Let’s go through items to pack for your hospital stay and delivery.

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